Only a Big A** Tow Truck Will Do

When the weather catches you off guard, it is usually then that you discover those tires just are not cut out for driving on the hills of the Pacific North West. In times like that, only a “big-ass tow truck will do”, to borrow from Seattle’s James Lynch of Q13 Fox News, following a storm that struck this past January.
Well, when you find yourself in one of those situations, we can provide that tow truck. With trucks ranging from a 20-tonne wrecker right up to our 85-tonne side pull tridem wrecker, and our 30′ tilt-deck, we are certain to have a truck for any of your tow or recovery needs. Be sure to check out our Services Page to see what we offer.
With 24 hour dispatch, we can be where you need us. Call Quiring Towing.

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